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Binance Blockchain Week 2024
10 Sep, 2024 / 07:19 am / Binance

United Arab Emirates
Registraion Last Date: (not set)
Type: Conference
Starting Year: 2022
Edition: 2 / Annually
Last updated: (not set)

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Binance is excited to announce that its two-day Binance Blockchain Week Dubai 2024 conference will run from 2024-10-30 to 2024-10-31, in Dubai’s Coca-Cola Arena.

Theme of Binance Blockchain Week Dubai 2024
The event this year will cover the theme of momentum: “Momentum propels our industry, not only taking us through challenges but also leading us to our biggest achievements. This theme explores the current state of our industry, the hurdles we’ve overcome, and where the momentum will carry us next.

As the industry expands, it generates several questions: How do we continue being a force of positive change? How do we preserve the core values of cryptocurrency? How do we adapt to evolving laws and regulations?”

Contact Us


United Arab Emirates

Event Date 19 Nov 2024 to 20 Nov 2024

Event Time 08:19 am to 08:20 am


Dubai World Trade Centre, Dubai, UAE

World Trade Centre - Sheikh Zayed Road - Dubai - Dubai - UAE

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