Home > Media Events > CX Solutions Summit 2024

CX Solutions Summit 2024
25 Aug, 2024 / 05:12 pm / Forum Events Ltd

United Kingdom
Registraion Last Date: (not set)
Type: Summit
Starting Year: 2023
Edition: 2 / Annually
Last updated: (not set)

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The CX Solutions Summit brings together customer service specialists and suppliers for one-to-one meetings, seminars, and networking opportunities. It covers areas like AI, B2B, customer journey management, and social media monitoring. Attendees can meet with CX managers and find new suppliers. The summit is held at the Hilton London Canary Wharf The organizers have 25 years of experience and focus on creating strong corporate partnerships through premium services, tailored connections, and high-quality events.

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United Kingdom

Event Date 17 Oct 2024 to 17 Oct 2024

Event Time 06:12 pm to 06:13 pm


Hilton London Canary Wharf, London, UK

Canary Wharf, London, UK

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