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3 Ways Infographics Can Power Your Content Marketing Campaigns
31 May, 2017 / 10:48 am / Reem Ibrahim

Source: https://www.prdaily.com


Despite some naysaying, infographics are thriving.A recent article on infographics on PR Daily reviewed a report from Clutch that stated: “The age of infographics is dying, and most of them are quite bad.”

The author of that Clutch piece offered a counterpoint to infographic design agency founder Brian Wallace, as well as to a 2016 Content Marketing Institute study that asserts, “The effectiveness rating for infographics rose more in one year than any other tactic—from 50 percent to 58 percent.”

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When done well and as part of a larger marketing and PR strategy, a creative infographic can make otherwise dull content more digestible for a wider audience.

Here are a few ways an infographic can help you tell your brand’s story:

Distill a complicated product or a detailed brand story. If you’re having a hard time explaining your product or brand via common content routes such as blogs or contributed articles, try developing an infographic to explain it visually. Use an infographic to outline processes or tell the evolution of your company, or employ it to generate buzz about a product launch. You can even use an infographic to offer expertise or perspective on your industry, take a stand and explain key industry players, and clarify where your brand fits in.
Help audiences remember and retain your message. According to a Huffington Post blog on infographics, “a whopping 65% of people are visual learners.” In this age of constant connectivity, people are easily distracted by online information. Telling your brand’s story or conveying important messages in an infographic helps you cut through the clutter. Just don’t go overboard with data. Simple but eye-catching design, highly pertinent information and clear key messages are essential.
Use an infographic as a pitching tool. An infographic can help you differentiate yourself when reaching out to journalists or bloggers. Infographics are easy to share, so if you find the right outlet to publish yours, you increase the chances that your audience will see it. Publishing your infographic on your website or social media is just the first step. Infographics set you apart from the hundreds of pitches that journalists receive daily.
Before you put together an infographic, develop an agenda and marketing plan—not the other way around. Developing an infographic with no plan can hinder its success.

As Brian Wallace says on PR Daily:

Content marketers should look at an infographic as a special event for super-premium content to use as part of their overall integrated marketing strategy. It should fit in with the cadence of their regular social, blog, webinar, email and tradeshow/event content.
Alex Gil is an account executive at Caster Communications. A version of this article originally appeared on the agency’s blog. Connect with Alex on LinkedIn or via Twitter: @Alexgil_13.