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Arab News And CNN Team Up
9 Mar, 2017 / 09:30 am / Fatima

Source: http://www.communicateonline.me


Saudi-based English daily Arab News has partnered with CNN to publish CNN anchor John Defterios’ columns and previewing exclusive reports and interviews from CNN’s “Marketplace Middle East” show in its print and online edition.

The decision is part of the daily’s move to expand its business content.
Defterios, CNNMoney emerging markets editor and anchor, is the host of “Marketplace Middle East.” The show, on CNN International, covers the economic trends and business developments impacting the region, and features interviews with numerous prominent individuals from the business community. “I’m delighted to be published with Arab News, and that I will be contributing to the newspaper’s business pages,” he says.

The newspaper has been expanding its global and digital reach through the addition of writers such as Yasar Yakis, former foreign minister of Turkey, and Frank Kane, a Dubai-based award-winning business journalist.