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Bill Shine Is President Trump’s New Communications Head
6 Jul, 2018 / 07:52 am / Reeny Joseph

Source: http://www.omnesmedia.com


The White House in a statement has announced that former Fox News executive Bill Shine is appointed as the head of communications team. President Trump has hired him as Bill Shine had lost his job at Fox amid criticism of how the company handled sexual harassment complaints, will now hold the title of Assistant to the President and Deputy Chief of Staff for Communications.

This decision has come from the President at a time when he openly criticized the media and described Fox News as his favorite channel. A lot of speculation had happened among the press people regarding who will be Trump’s favorite after Hope Hicks left White House in March.

Bill Shine had to leave Fox News a year ago amid a scandal at the news organization over a string of sexual harassment complaints. He was accused of covering up other’s behavior even after the women came forward with complaints against some top executives of the company. Shine’s appointment is the latest among President’s hiring. Trump had appointed supporter Anthony Scaramucci to the job a year ago, but he lasted only 10 days after giving an interview to a journalist with the New Yorker in which he used crude language to disparage his colleagues. Trump has a record for the highest number of staffs among all the recent presidents.  

Critics opine that the new appointment of Bill Shine as communications head will be a new start as Trump is already having a not so good relationship with the media people.