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Domino's and CP+B buck the trend for short relationships and extend partnership until 2020
22 Aug, 2017 / 12:37 pm / OMNES News

Source: http://www.thedrum.com


Pizza brand Domino's and Crispin Porter + Bogusky (CP + B) have agreed to extend their relationship till 2020.

As part of the agreement CP+B will still handle all of Domino's creative duties, brand strategy, media planning and digital initiatives.

Joe Jordan, chief marketing officer, Domino's said: "Lengthy creative agency partnerships are rare, to say the least. But after looking at what we've accomplished with CP+B, it should not be shocking."

"Together we have built a legacy of creative work founded on uncommon honesty at every turn. In the process, we formed an unrivaled collaboration in which CP+B is a true extension of our team. We're looking forward to creating the next series of game-changing ideas together."

CP+B, Domino’s Vets earlier launched New Boulder Shop ‘Work in Progress'. The partnership also won a Titanium Grand Prix at Cannes Lions and Grand at the Clio Awards.

This renewed partnership comes in as a relief for CP+B after losing global Infiniti account to 72andSunny and exit of UK chief Richard Pinder.