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Dubai Media Diplomacy Members Receive Crisis Communication Training
11 Apr, 2018 / 03:30 pm / OMNES News

Source: https://www.zawya.com


The Government of Dubai Media Office (GDMO) today held a crisis communication training programme for members of the Dubai Media Diplomacy and Communication Network in partnership with the Emirates Diplomatic Academy (EDA).

The programme was delivered by renowned international diplomat and former UK ambassador to Lebanon Tom Fletcher. The crisis communication training programme focused on enhancing the ability of members of the Network to respond strategically and speedily to potential crisis events and developments. The programme put the participants through a series of crisis simulations and tasked them with developing communication plans to defuse their potential impact.

Director General of the Government of Dubai Media Office Her Excellency Mona Al Marri said: “The crisis communication programme is one of a host of initiatives we have launched to equip the country’s communication leaders to play effective roles in any communication scenario. Advanced strategic communication is particularly vital to the UAE’s aspiration to be a global leader, as part of the vision of Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum. We thank the EDA for their partnership and support in developing this important training programme. The programme supports our broader objective of helping communication leaders engage, communicate, react, and adapt proactively to the strategic media challenges of today not only locally but also globally.” 

President of the EDA His Excellency Bernardino León said: “We are very happy to partner with the Government of Dubai Media Office in helping the country’s communication leaders develop the advanced skills necessary to thrive in today’s complex communication environment. Reputational challenges can come in any shape or form, and communication leaders have to be skilled in using strategic tools to ensure the country’s hard-earned global reputation is always safeguarded. This crisis communication programme was designed to address the specific needs of communication leaders in the UAE. Programmes like this will support communication leaders in responding effectively to any kind of challenge or crisis.”

Exercises held during the training programme focused on enabling participants to think strategically about communications even when under pressure, and anticipating communication threats. 

The programme also aimed to help participants build teamwork, tactical awareness and media and communication skills. The simulation exercises were designed to support participants in building the resilience, patience, confidence and flexibility necessary to cope with the pressure of crisis situations.

The crisis communication training programme is the latest in a series of leadership development opportunities created by GDMO for members of the Dubai Media Diplomacy and Communication Network.  Developed in partnership with the Emirates Diplomatic Academy, the programme was offered exclusively to members of the Network.

The course supports GDMO’s broader efforts to help communication leaders in the UAE’s public and private sectors thrive in today’s globalised environment, and respond innovatively to the challenges of communicating in a changing media landscape.