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Dubai: Residency visa, Emirates ID issues can now be solved at home; Here's how
19 Oct, 2023 / 11:25 am / OMNES Media LLC

Source: http://www.mashable.com


Mashable: You will not have to visit Amer center now.

Streamlining the process for residency visa processing and Emirates ID renewal, the General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs (GDRFA) in Dubai has introduced a revolutionary solution showcased at Gitex Global 2023, reports The Khaleej Times.

This cutting-edge technology, known as the Virtual Amer Service, eliminates the need for physical visits to Amer centres, allowing users to complete procedures via video conferencing from any location.

Unlike mere chatbots, the Virtual Amer Service employs real personnel who engage directly with customers, offering real-time assistance for any issues or queries. With this service, users can address problems related to incomplete or unclear documentation without the need for in-person interactions.

زار معالي عبد الله البسطي أمين عام المجلس التنفيذي لإمارة دبي منصتنا اليوم ضمن مشاركة إقامة دبي في معرض جيتكس 2023 حيث استمع إلى شرح مختصر عن التطبيق الذكي وخدماتنا الاستباقية ومشاريعنا المطروحة . pic.twitter.com/A5fCx9nQSK

— GDRFA DUBAI إقامة دبي (@GDRFADUBAI) October 17, 2023
“There is no need for an applicant to come to Amer centre for any pending transaction after a visa officer has discovered some documents are missing or unclear. The customer can now use the Virtual Amer Service and speak to a GRDFA officer in real-time to resolve the issue,” explained a GDRFA spokesperson.

The scope of the Virtual Amer Service extends to various visa types, encompassing residency, student, visit, golden, and green visas. This innovative approach leverages video conferencing to efficiently resolve delays caused by missing or ambiguous documents in initial applications.

شهدت منصة إقامة دبي اليوم الثاني من جيتكس 2023 زيارة كريمة من الشيخ عبد العزيز بن حميد النعيمي رئيس دائرة الأراضي والتنظيم العقاري في عجمان اطلع خلالها على المشاريع الابتكارية والتقنيات الذكية التي تسهم في تعزيز التنمية المستدامة وتحقيق سعادة المتعاملين@GITEX_GLOBAL pic.twitter.com/833qHxDF8g

— GDRFA DUBAI إقامة دبي (@GDRFADUBAI) October 17, 2023
“The process is simple: The applicant can access the virtual service remotely and the officer will review the missing or unclear documents. The applicant will then attach the new document in the chat box to complete the transaction. There is definitely no need for the applicant to do this personally,” says GDRFA official, underlining: “The Virtual Amer Service will reduce transaction time and make the process simpler for customers.”

تشرفنا بزيارة سعادة اللواء سهيل جمعة الخييلي، مدير عام الهوية وجوازات السفر بالهيئة الاتحادية للهوية والجنسية والجمارك وأمن المنافذ لمنصة إقامة دبي ضمن مشاركتها في #جيتكس2023 للاطلاع على الخدمات والمشاريع الذكية المطروحة pic.twitter.com/QBwxG22HEH

— GDRFA DUBAI إقامة دبي (@GDRFADUBAI) October 17, 2023
The initial phase of the service, introduced in the first quarter of 2023, facilitated an impressive 250,000 transactions within two months. Presently available on weekdays from 7 am to 7 pm, plans are underway to extend the service to a 24/7 availability.

In addition to the Virtual Amer Service, customers can access the Amer call centre round the clock through the toll-free number 8005111. This comprehensive approach ensures.