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Emirates Joins Global Leadership Team At WFA
28 Apr, 2017 / 09:37 pm / Mahmoud

Source: http://www.arabianmarketer.ae


The World Federation of Advertisers (WFA) has appointed new members to the global leadership team, including senior marketers from Emirates, Coty, AirAsia, L’Oréal and RB. The appointments were confirmed at the WFA Annual General Meeting, taking place as part of the WFA Global Marketer Week in Toronto.

Boutros Boutros, Divisional Senior Vice-President, Corporate Communications, Marketing & Brand at Emirates; Lubomira Rochet, Chief Digital Officer at L’Oréal; Alison Keith, Vice-President, Global Media at Coty; Margaret Au Yong, Director of Media at AirAsia, and Andrea Bernhardt, Global Media Director at RB are also joined on the WFA Executive Committee by the Phil Smith, newly appointed CEO of the British Advertisers Association (ISBA) and Ander Ericson, CEO of Sveriges Annonsörer, the Swedish Advertiser Association.

Mr Ericson also becomes WFA Treasurer joining other WFA Officers, David Wheldon, CMO of RBS and Matthias Berninger, Vice President of Public Affairs at Mars, both of whom were elected for another term as President and Deputy President respectively.

The WFA Executive Committee brings together senior marketers and public affairs executives to reflect the dual mission of the WFA, which is to help marketers be more effective and efficient in terms of their marketing spend while helping brand owners protect and future proof their license to operate through advocacy and effective advertising self regulation.

The 40-strong Executive also reflects the dual nature of the WFA membership. It includes representatives from multi-national brand owners as well as heads of some of the world’s biggest national advertiser associations. Phil Smith and Anders Ericson were elected to the WFA Executive Committee for the first time and join representatives from Belgium, Brazil, China, Canada, France, Germany, Finland, India, Morocco, Nigeria, Norway, Russia, Switzerland, Turkey and the US.

“One of the many strengths of this organisation is the way that so many senior, knowledgeable executives are willing to share their time and insights to help identify and tackle the many common challenges brand marketers face,” said Stephan Loerke, WFA CEO.

The Executive Committee meets quarterly to determine the WFA’s priorities and guide the organization’s strategy.