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EU Anti trust Regulators Postpone The Decision Against Google
10 Jul, 2018 / 09:25 am / Reeny Joseph


In order to avoid a clash with U.S President Donald Trump’s visit to Brussels EU antitrust regulators have decided to delay the findings against Google’s Android mobile operating system for a week. The scheduled meeting of The European Commission had earlier decided to conduct a meeting of national competition agencies this week to decide on a huge fine against Google.

The proposed meeting has been rescheduled to July 17 and the reason for this is not disclosed by EU. But sources say that the rearrangement is due to the visit of President Trump for a NATO summit in Brussels this week.

The world’s No.1 search engine Google is facing charges from The EU antitrust enforcer with using its dominant Android to marginalize rivals. The case was under a three-year-long investigation and is considered as the most severe which can invite huge fine also. The Antitrust enforcer is likely to take a final decision against Google in the coming meeting.

Google had already faced a penalty of 2.4 billion Euro last year from the EU’s antitrust commission for favoring its shipping service over rivals. One more case against Google was also fi