Home > Media News > EU Issues Antitrust Charges Against Apple Over Unfair App Store Practices

EU Issues Antitrust Charges Against Apple Over Unfair App Store Practices
3 May, 2021 / 03:22 am / Apple

Source: http://in.mashable.com


It has recently come to light that the European Commission has issued antitrust charges against Apple over concerns that the tech giant was illegally using its App Store to create dominance over another music streaming competitor Spotify. However, Apple has firmly rejected the accusations made by EU regulators.

"By setting strict rules on the App store that disadvantage competing music streaming services, Apple deprives users of cheaper music streaming choices and distorts competition," said European Competition Commissioner Margrethe Vestager. She further added that "this is done by charging high commission fees on each transaction in the App Store for rivals and by forbidding them from informing their customers of alternative subscription options.”

The Verge report notes this is the first EU antitrust charge against Apple and it will have the opportunity to respond to accusations made by EU. If found guilty of the accusations, Apple will be slapped with a fine of up to 10 per cent of its annual revenue. This could be around $27 billion depending on its annual revenue.

“Ensuring the iOS platform operates fairly is an urgent task with far-reaching implications,” Horacio Gutierrez, Spotify’s chief legal officer told The Verge. “The European Commission’s statement of objections is a critical step toward holding Apple accountable for its anticompetitive behaviour, ensuring meaningful choice for all consumers and a level playing field for app developers.”