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Facebook Challenges Developers In The Middle East And Africa To Create The Smartest Bots For Messenger
19 Feb, 2017 / 10:25 am / Reem Ibrahim

Source: http://mediavataarme.com


Facebook is challenging developers across the Middle East and Africa to create innovative bots in the Bots for Messenger Developer Challenge.  This aligns with Facebook’s commitment to promote innovation in the Middle East and Africa by providing developers and start-ups with the tools they need to build, grow, monetize, and measure products and services.

Facebook grew out of a hacker culture and thrives by promoting innovation on new platforms. That's why Facebook is launching the Bots for Messenger Challenge, a contest to recognize and reward developers who are able to create the most innovative new bots on Messenger.

Developers, in teams of up to three people, are invited to create bots in three categories: gaming and entertainment; productivity and utility; and social good.


Finalist Teams

The 60 finalist teams (10 per category in each region) will win a Gear VR and mobile phone, one hour of Facebook mentorship and tools and services from FbStart, a Facebook program designed to help early stage mobile start-ups build and grow their bots.

All student teams who make it to the finals will win an additional $2,000 (students will be verified against their registration via their government accredited school email accounts). 

Runner-Up Teams

For each region, three runner-up teams (one from each category) will win $10,000 and three months of Facebook mentorship.

Winning Teams

For each region, three winning teams (one from each category) will win $20,000 and three months of Facebook mentorship.


•Submissions open: 15 February at 09:00 GMT

•Deadline for entries: 28 April at 11:59:59 GMT

•Finalists announced (30 teams each in Sub-Saharan Africa and the Middle East/North Africa): 19 May at 09:00 GMT

•Deadline for entries from finalists: 2 June at 11:59:59 GMT

•Winners announced: 19 June at 09:00 GMT (three winners and three runner up teams in the Middle East and North Africa; three winners and three runner up teams in Sub-Saharan Africa)

Enter and see the rules of the competition here: https://messengerchallenge.splashthat.com and join the Facebook Group to keep connected - https://fb.me/messengerchallenge .