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Facebook Will Start Blocking Ads From Fake News Outlets
29 Aug, 2017 / 10:24 am / OMNES News

Source: http://wersm.com


Facebook has deployed a full on strategy to take down fake news at any cost. The social network is even willing to take a hit to its ad revenue to combat the threat.

It was announced yesterday that Facebook will ban adverts from publishers that repeatedly share fake news. So far, stories marked as disputed were not allowed to be promoted on the platform. However, this time serial offenders will be shown the exit, and will no longer have media airtime on Facebook.

This measure will have a two major effects on these so-called publishers. The first one will cause distribution of false stories t0 drop, while the second one will directly influence the traffic on these websites – meaning that their revenue will also take a plunge.

Facebook is also quick to point out that this policy is reversible. As soon as publishes start sharing valid stories, they may regain access to Facebook’s advertising platform. Until then, disputed publishers should be very afraid.