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Google is Taking Back its Controversial Search Engine Redesign
25 Jan, 2020 / 11:57 am / OMNES


Google is backtracking on a controversial search engine redesign, announcing that it will experiment with some elements of the new look in response to user feedback.

Google made one of the major changes on its search results in the company’s history earlier this month . It involved a visual overhaul that makes it more difficult to differentiate between advertising and organic search results with the removal of color overlays and the introduction of small branded iconography, known on the web as favicons, next to non-ad results.

The company’s stated intention was to align desktop search results with the way they’re presented on mobile, but it became clear this also had the effect of distinguishing paid and non- paid results. The only difference between an ad and an organic result in the new design is the small lettering or icon next to a link, meaning ads and organic results now look more similar than ever before.

Now, Google says it’s going to experiment with both the existence of favicons next to search results and their placement on the web version of its search engine. The experiments will take place “over the coming weeks.”

 “Last week we updated the look of Search on desktop to mirror what’s been on mobile for months. We’ve heard your feedback about the update. We always want to make Search better, so we’re going to experiment with new placements for favicons,” writes Danny Sullivan, Google’s search liaison, in a statement posted to Twitter. Over the coming weeks, while we test, some might not see favicons while some might see them in different placements as we look to bring a modern look to desktop.”

Google also released a more formal statement as to why it made the initial changes and making a commitment to iterate on the design over time .