Home > Media News > Instagram starts putting Stories, but not Story ads, on its website

Instagram starts putting Stories, but not Story ads, on its website
1 Sep, 2017 / 01:18 pm / OMNES News

Source: http://marketingland.com


With 250 million people checking out Stories in its app every day, Instagram is extending the product to its online audience that skews international.

The majority of people who use Instagram’s app every day check out its Stories feed. Now the Facebook-owned photo-and-video-sharing service is extending its Snapchat clone to its online audience.

Instagram has begun showing Stories to people who log into its website, the company announced on Thursday. While the Stories feed in Instagram’s app features ads, for now Instagram will not insert ads within the online version, according to an Instagram spokesperson.

People will eventually be able to post to their Stories through Instagram’s mobile site, but not the desktop version, the spokesperson said.

The move to put Stories online appears focused on appealing to Instagram’s international audience. According to Bloomberg, more than 80 percent of the people who use its site live outside of the US.