Home > Media News > Ramadan 2024: Saudi Arabia prohibits iftar gatherings in mosques; Here’s why

Ramadan 2024: Saudi Arabia prohibits iftar gatherings in mosques; Here’s why
4 Mar, 2024 / 12:05 pm / OMNES Media LLC

Source: http://www.mashable.com


Mashable: Broadcasting prayers on social media is strictly forbidden during Ramzan.

In preparation for the holy month of Ramzan, Saudi Arabia's Ministry of Islamic Affairs, Call and Guidance (MoiaEN) has issued a series of directives aimed at ensuring a smooth and orderly observance of Ramadan in mosques across the kingdom.

One significant change is the ban on iftar gatherings inside mosques during Ramzan 1445 AH-2024. Instead, iftar meals will be held in designated courtyards to maintain cleanliness and organization.

Additionally, the ministry has instructed mosque employees, including imams and muezzins, to adhere to their duties diligently throughout Ramzan. They are required to be present and punctual, without absenteeism.

In line with promoting a respectful and focused atmosphere during prayers, the ministry has prohibited the use of cameras inside mosques for photographing worshipers or broadcasting prayers on social media platforms.

Moreover, muezzins are directed to follow the Umm Al Qura prayer timings, the Saudi calendar's official prayer schedule, and maintain a 10-minute gap between the adhan (call to prayer) and the commencement of prayers, except for evening and dawn prayers.

Imams have been advised to deliver concise and informative sermons during Taraweeh prayers, the voluntary nightly prayers observed during Ramadan. These sermons are encouraged to focus on fasting rules and the virtues of Ramzan.

Furthermore, the directives emphasize the prohibition of begging in mosques and stress the importance of educating worshipers about its social, economic, and security consequences, while encouraging support for charitable causes.

Ramzan, also known as Ramadan, holds significant importance in Islam as the month during which the Quran was revealed to Prophet Muhammad. Muslims worldwide observe fasting from sunrise to sunset, abstaining from food and drink during this sacred period.

According to astronomical calculations, Ramzan in Saudi Arabia is anticipated to commence on March 11, although the exact start date will be confirmed closer to the time based on the tradition of moon-sighting.