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Snapchat Offers Advertisers Discount Coupons And Bonuses As It Looks To Make Up For Poor First Quarter
29 May, 2017 / 10:55 am / Reem Ibrahim

Source: http://www.thedrum.com


Snapchat is looking to entice brands and media buyers with discount offers in an attempt to boost its ad business.

The company is incentivizing brands and media buyers with offers of bonuses, discount coupons and media credits for ad buys carried out in the second quarter of 2017.

The offers appear to vary from agency to agency. One media buyer told Digiday that Snapchat was offering a 10% bonus media coupon, another said it was offered discounts on ads bought on its self-serve platform. A third agency revealed Snapchat was giving 10% credit for any API buy completed through Snapchat.

The incentives are reportedly running until mid-June, coinciding with end of Snap's second quarter. The move comes at a time when brand safety issues have led marketers to seek alternatives from Facebook and Google. For Snapchat though, the incentives are likely an attempt to demonsstrate growth following poor first quarter earnings, which were released earlier this month.

Snapchat has offered incentives before, however the latest move appears to be more “aggressive”, illustrating the company's push to meet its targets this quarter.