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Strategies To Build A Successful Online Marketing Strategy
5 Mar, 2017 / 08:44 am / Fatima

Source: http://gulfmarketingreview.com


If you, as a marketer, are looking to build a good online strategy that delivers on your business goals, there are a few things to consider. It’s particularly important to keep in mind that in the current landscape, a good marketing strategy is one that has online/digital as one of its key pillars.

With people spending more of their lives online both on their computer and mobile devices, engaging with modern day customers means adapting to modern day channels.

Advertising is essential in sales prospecting for any business. Online advertising we know now is more effective and less costly than print. The variety of online ads is substantial (ad banners, animations or gif ads, simple text ads, video content, etc.)

With people spending 20 per cent of their mobile use time on Facebook and Instagram, it is clear that social media platforms are the quickest and broadest way to engage consumers. Whether the desired outcome is to bring in new leads or re-engage with existing customers, this is the fastest and cheapest way to get to them.

Creating engaging and suitable content for your website is also important for running a successful online marketing campaign. It starts with the content of your homepage, about us and the other pages of the domain. Then it extends to the articles, videos, pictures and blog posts that you write to create traffic.

Your content has to provide value and offer something useful to the consumers. Filler content will not work and you cannot just depend on it to give you the returns.

There are various types of content you can make use of.

– Product or service reviews;

– How to articles;

– Trend reports.

Focusing on these will ensure that you have an online marketing strategy that will work wonders.