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UAE President Sheikh Mohammed and more leaders warmly welcome astronaut Sultan Al Neyadi from space; See
5 Sep, 2023 / 10:19 am / OMNES Media LLC

Source: http://www.mashable.com


Mashable: Sultan Al Neyadi spent 186 days at the ISS

Emirati astronaut Sultan Al Neyadi has completed the historic Arab space mission and safely returned to Earth.


After being a resident of the orbiting space laboratory, the International Space Station (ISS) for 186 days, the Arab astronaut Sultan Al Neyadi has safely made his way back home.

On Monday, September 4, 2023, the “Sultan of Space” with his Crew-6 members NASA astronauts Stephen Bowen and Woody Hoburg, and Roscosmos cosmonaut Andrey Fedyaev splashed down safely in the SpaceX Dragon spacecraft.

The Crew-6 splashed down today at 8.17 am UAE time off the coast of Jacksonville, Florida, US after they departed the International Space Station (ISS) on September 3, 2023.

As the UAE-based astronaut Sultan Al Neyadi returned to Earth, Emirati leaders have warmly welcomed him.

الحمد لله على السلامة سلطان!
Welcome back, Sultan! pic.twitter.com/BMN8RlIqn0

— MBR Space Centre (@MBRSpaceCentre) September 4, 2023
It was a proud moment for the whole United Arab Emirates when Dr. Al Neyadi was selected for a six-month mission to the ISS.

On March 2, 2023, the Arab Astronaut with his Crew-6 mates lifted off to space on a Falcon 9 rocket and arrived on board the International Space Station the next day. On April 28, 2023, Sultan Al Neyadi became the first Arab to perform a spacewalk.

Now, the leaders of the United Arab Emirates have congratulated Sultan AlNeyadi after his safe return home.

His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the President of the United Arab Emirates took to the platform X, formerly Twitter to praise the Arab astronaut and reflect on the historic space mission.

@Astro_AlNeyadi, the people of the UAE are immensely proud of you and the entire team for achieving major advances in space exploration. You carried the dreams of a nation to new frontiers, and we celebrate your pioneering journey and safe return.

— محمد بن زايد (@MohamedBinZayed) September 4, 2023
Messages also came from the Vice-President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum as well as the Crown Prince of Dubai, Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum.

نهنىء شعب الإمارات وجميع الشباب العربي بالعودة السالمة لسلطان النيادي لكوكب الأرض - أول رائد فضاء عربي في مهمة طويلة في محطة الفضاء الدولية. أجرى سلطان 200 مهمة بحثية علمية .. وقضى أكثر من 4400 ساعة في الفضاء .. وألهم ملايين الشباب العربي بأننا قادرون على المساهمة الإيجابية في…

— HH Sheikh Mohammed (@HHShkMohd) September 4, 2023
Driven by Zayed's vision, the UAE has embarked on a remarkable journey from desert to space . Today, we celebrate Sultan AlNeyadi's return to earth after the longest Arab space mission ever - a milestone moment for a nation whose ambitions know no limits. As we look towards new…

— Hamdan bin Mohammed (@HamdanMohammed) September 4, 2023
نجاح رائد الفضاء الإماراتي سلطان النيادي في مهمته التي استمرت لـ 6 أشهر على متن محطة الفضاء الدولية ما هو إلا انعكاس لطموحات دولة انطلقت من الصحراء لتعانق بهمتّها نجوم الفضاء وتحقق إنجازات نوعية وتاريخية رسخت اسم دولتنا إقليمياً وعالمياً كأول دولة عربية تنجز أطول مهمة فضائية في…

— Mansoor bin Mohammed (@sheikhmansoor) September 4, 2023
نحتفي اليوم بعودة رائد الفضاء الإماراتي #سلطان_النيادي بعد إنجاز أطول مهمة فضائية في تاريخ العرب قام خلالها بإجراء أكثر من 200 تجربة علمية في محطة الفضاء الدولية، ونشكر مركز محمد بن راشد للفضاء على جهودهم التي أدّت لنجاح هذه المهمة.
النيادي هو خير مثال للشباب وما يمتلكونه من… pic.twitter.com/BBA87WDZXb

— Maktoum Bin Mohammed (@MaktoumMohammed) September 4, 2023
Welcome back, @Astro_Alneyadi
You inspired us with over 200 scientific experiments and the first Arab spacewalk. Congratulations on accomplishing the longest Arab space mission in history. pic.twitter.com/bptYDfbL6m

— Nora AlMatrooshi (@Astronaut_Nora) September 4, 2023
My brother, @Astro_AlNeyadi, I remember our reunion after my mission in 2019. Today, it's my turn to welcome you back with the same enthusiasm and pride, so that we can continue the journey that we started together 5 years ago and prepare for new missions and greater goals. pic.twitter.com/93r0Awem3g

— Hazzaa AlMansoori (@astro_hazzaa) September 4, 2023
H.E. Hamad Obaid AlMansoori, Chairman, MBRSC, commenting on astronaut Sultan AlNeyadi's return to Earth: This achievement would not have been possible without the vision of our wise leadership.#ZayedAmbition pic.twitter.com/iyP2E1GKts

— MBR Space Centre (@MBRSpaceCentre) September 4, 2023
H.E. Salem Humaid AlMarri, Director General, MBRSC, after congratulating astronaut Sultan AlNeyadi on his safe return to Earth: We achieved all of the mission goals.#ZayedAmbition pic.twitter.com/svewSUb5qS

— MBR Space Centre (@MBRSpaceCentre) September 4, 2023
اليوم نكتب صفحة جديدة من قصة المستحيل التي ترويها دولة الإمارات للعالم، ونبارك لسفيرنا إلى الفضاء سلطان النيادي عودته الميمونة إلى الأرض.. محققاً حلماً جديداً للإمارات بعد نجاح أطول مهمة لرائد فضاء عربي. نحمد الله على سلامتك.. معك تكبر طموحاتنا وتصبح الأحلام حقيقة pic.twitter.com/pZoprHHBct

— Latifa MR Al Maktoum (@LatifaMRM) September 4, 2023

Meanwhile, the whole UAE is proud of and celebrating the historic return of their beloved Sultan Al Neyadi.