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“VentureX” signs an investment management agreement with "Advert on Click”, the first digital platform for promoting and selling advertising spaces
27 Jun, 2022 / 11:46 am / VentureX

Source: http://www.omnesmedia.com


Amman - Jordan, 27th June 2022: VentureX, the integrated company for developing entrepreneurial enterprises, signed a memorandum of understanding with Advert on Click. According to the agreement, VentureX is to manage the first round of investments for Advert on Click through a wide network of potential investors at the regional and global levels.

The memorandum was signed at VentureX headquarters in the Jordanian capital, Amman, by Yousef Hamidaddin, Managing Partner at VentureX, and Fahed Aldeeb, Founder and CEO of Advert on Click, in the presence of a number of officials from the two companies.

Through this agreement, VentureX is expected to prepare all financial data, documents and legal contracts pertinent to the investment process in Advert on Click and offer them to selected investors from the Middle East with the potential of including sa few companies outside the region.

Advertonclick.com recently launched in the Middle East and North African markets, as a first phase, and works in the global advertising sector specializing in providing marketing services and selling various advertising spaces to advertisers and marketers. The company plans to expand across all global markets and develop the platform further using machine learning and AI technology.

Being the first of its kind globally, the Advert on Click platform bestows upon the advertising industry a new dimension through the services it provides for all traditional as well as modern advertising media, while also servicing advertisers and advertising agencies.

The platform is indeed an open digital market for all types of advertising media including print, broadcast, digital media, OOH, sale and promotion points...etc. By offering tools directly to advertisers, the platform helps them get to know new advertising means and open a channel for both parties to communicate. This surely saves time, effort and costs for all.

Commenting on the memorandum, Yousef Hamidaddin said: “At VentureX, we are always after providing assistance for transforming innovative competitive ideas into solutions that can improve the quality of life of both people and businesses, and contribute to supporting business economies. This is done by adopting the ideas generated by emerging companies, after studying and analyzing them along with their economic feasibility and future vision and providing support that would help render these new enterprises successful.”

“Advert on Click possesses the creative ideas and future vision that can help it become one of the most successful companies in the global advertising sector”, Hamidaddin added. “Year after year, this sector grows remarkably given the pressing need that is associated with all life and economic sectors and that all companies must revere it if they are to ensure the sustainability of their work, since advertising forms an essential part of any marketing process that all business sectors need.”

For his part, Fahed Aldeeb said: “We are pleased to work with VentureX, which is one of the leading companies in the investment management sector in the Middle East. We appreciate their belief in what we have accomplished so far for Advert on Click, which currently possesses the data of more than 2,200 media outlets from the Arab countries alone.”

Aldeeb also highlighted that the global advertising sector records an annual growth of at least 5% and that the spending volume exceeded $720 billion over the past year (2021). North America alone accounted for 60% of the global advertising expenditure (according to a report by Statista Company). This encourages us to expand the scope of the platform across the North American and European markets in the coming phase.”