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Youtube Cooperates With Wikipedia To Fight Fake News
14 Mar, 2018 / 06:23 pm / OMNES News

Source: http://broadcastprome.com


Susan Wojcicki, CEO of YouTube, has stated that the video platform will begin displaying text from Wikipedia articles and other websites alongside some videos in a couple of weeks to combat hoaxes and conspiracy theories on the service, as per a Reuters report.

Speaking at the South by Southwest Conference in Austin, Texas, she reportedly displayed a mock-up of the new feature, which are called information cues.

The Reuters report stated that YouTube intends to present an alternative viewpoint to videos questioning science or describing conspiracies about events such as the US moon landing. She said information cues would first roll out to topics for which there are a significant number of YouTube videos.

“People can still watch the videos but then they actually have access to additional information, can click off and go and see that,” Wojcicki said.

Last month, YouTube launched a new service that will offer viewers more transparency around where news broadcasters get their funding.  YouTube sources had stated that they will now add notices below videos that are uploaded by broadcasters who receive some level of government or public funding.