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AI-backed predictions enable Saudi-based startup to scale up efficiency of businesses
4 Aug, 2021 / 10:12 am / OMNES Media LLC

Source: https://me.mashable.com/


Businesses in the Middle East have entered the fast lane in their journey towards digitisation over the past couple of years, and global as well as regional players have zoomed in to provide tech support. Global giants like Google and IBM have arrived in Saudi Arabia to offer solutions ranging from cloud computing to cyber security, as local firms embrace the future.

Humanoids in public spaces and facial recognition are among examples that highlight the increasing role of AI in everyday life across the gulf region. This rise of smart tech may have prompted MIT graduates to launch a startup which uses AI-driven data analytics to empower businesses with location intelligence.

Designed to ensure maximum growth for established and emerging firms alike, Intelmatix collects socio-economic data along with demographic info to make predictions. Its system uses sophisticated analytics, to come up with recommendations for the most suitable location and storage options for a specific business.

Thanks to personalised insights, it also advises entrepreneurs on the best piece of land to set up facilities, and can have a significant impact on the efficiency of a company. Administrative bodies can also benefit from the mechanism, since its predictions lay the foundation for effective emergency measures.

Knowing requirements beforehand via AI, can also lead to informed decisions when governments are building hospitals.

The startup eyeing the top spot among smart service providers in the Middle East, has also secured funding for further growth in the region. It's rise is also likely to help the kingdom become a hub for AI-based innovation in the Arab World as part of vision 2030.

Recently the country displayed its capabilities with robots issuing religious guidance and distributing holy water, during the annual Hajj pilgrimage. It's upcoming smart city NEOM, will also rely largely on collection and analysis of data to extend services to residents.

Security systems backed by machine learning and smart metres are also driving the evolution of smart homes in Saudi Arabia, in the run up to the future.