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Amazon to reportedly lay off hundreds of workers in its Prime Video, MGM Studios; Here's why
12 Jan, 2024 / 09:31 am / Amazon

Source: http://www.mashable.com


Mashable: The affected employees will receive comprehensive packages consisting of separation payments.

Amazon is said to be terminating the employment of numerous individuals within its Prime Video and MGM Studios departments. In an email sent on Wednesday, January 10th, Mike Hopkins, the Senior Vice President of the division, announced these layoffs.

#Amazon is set to lay off hundreds of workers in its #PrimeVideo, #MGMStudios, as per reports. https://t.co/34b4zBwgNi

— National Herald (@NH_India) January 11, 2024
The reason behind this reduction, as stated by Hopkins, is to scale back or cease investments in specific areas, while simultaneously increasing their focus and investment in content and product initiatives that yield the greatest impact. This information has been reported by TechCrunch.

The affected workers in the United States have also been notified by the company, and the majority of other regions will receive notifications by the conclusion of this week.

Amazon to lay off hundreds from Twitch and Prime Video https://t.co/NpEcjW9yiQ

— Guardian Tech (@guardiantech) January 10, 2024
The report stated that the affected employees will receive comprehensive packages consisting of separation payments, transitional benefits, and external career transition support.

Hopkins stated that our focus on prioritizing initiatives that we are confident will have a significant impact, combined with our ongoing investments in programming, marketing, and product development, positions our business for a more robust future.

In the meantime, Twitch, the game streaming platform owned by Amazon, is said to be reducing its workforce by 35 percent, which amounts to approximately 500 employees, during this week. Last year, Twitch had already laid off several employees and had to cease its operations in South Korea due to the excessively high costs involved.

As per a report by Bloomberg, the upcoming workforce reductions, which may be disclosed as early as Wednesday, are being implemented due to apprehensions regarding the financial setbacks faced by Twitch.

Google is implementing substantial reductions in its workforce within the hardware division, specifically targeting the augmented reality (AR) sector. Simultaneously, reports have emerged indicating that Fitbit's co-founders, James Park and Eric Friedman, alongside other prominent executives, are relinquishing their roles within the company.