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Can Virtual reality be the Future of Media?
8 Jul, 2020 / 10:50 am / omnes


Virtual Reality can be very enterprising when it comes to media. It can always separate you from the real world. It can be the real platform to bring people together to communicate, experience, and play in a truly memorable way. Media is always after changes. Be it Print or Digital. Even though Virtual Reality is always there to bring in positive changes in the world of media the usage is moving in a slow pace in the current scenario.

The technological development of virtual reality (VR) is accelerating, one has to wonder when, or if, it will really take off. Use of virtual reality for social media is still in its infancy, but one thing is certain: savvy advertisers will want to track innovations. This will ultimately create more advertising opportunities for brands.

The features of virtual reality seem limitless and there's strong interest from people across industries. But accessibility remains a concern and one report stated that the VR industry is still six to eight years away from hyper growth or a tipping point in adoption of the medium.  Virtual Reality is something that's not a trend as much as it is another channel for media. Viewing content with or without being tethered to a computer is vastly different, as are the experiences that are possible. VR is already molding certain industries like gaming and real estate, as well as immersive experiences like diving in reefs that some would never have the chance to do in real life.

VR is another new communications avenue and type of media, just like social media was not too long ago. VR is communications blossoming, and it will be used as an effective tool for reaching customers in a more dynamic way.  While VR can't be guaranteed as a medium forever, it is the next step in consuming media. Virtual reality allows media consumers to submerge the senses, drowning out the rest of the world, eliminating distractions and magnifying the experience.

Virtual reality is more than a trend, but it’s not necessarily going to replace the other media channels. VR will be more effective in certain industries than others, but once it is affordable and cost-effective for companies to use, VR will explode and offer a truly interactive experience that will be more exciting and interesting to consumers compared to current channels.  

Even though Virtual Reality may not be in a position to replace traditional media it’s here to stay and the future prospects of media depends on the adoption of Virtual Reality.

Source- Omnes Editor