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Dubai relaxes COVID-19 restrictions, opens for entertainment and sporting events
19 May, 2021 / 10:24 am / OMNES Media LLC

Source: https://me.mashable.com/


While some countries have been dealing with the deadly COVID-19 virus and its accompanying restrictions, for Dubai rather, it’s a wave of good news.

Residents of Dubai can now enjoy some unrestricted activities in the region as Dubai opens up for concerts, entertainment and sporting events. As cases of Coronavirus drop in the United Arab Emirates, entertainment and sporting events for people who have been vaccinated have opened up.

The news came as a breath of fresh air as Dubai’s Supreme Committee of Crisis and Disaster Management announced updated precautionary measures for events and activities effective from 17 May, with the continued mandatory wearing of face masks and observing physical distancing of 2 metres

Individuals who are fully vaccinated can now attend concerts or events post the revised regulations with entertainment facilities raising their limit to 70% with a maximum of 1,500 people for indoor events and 2,500 outdoor.

Hotels have been allowed to operate at full capacity and bars will reopen for those vaccinated and restaurant seating has been raised to 10 people per table, from six

Wedding events have been allowed to hold with the maximum attendance capped at 100 for wedding venues/hotels. However, all attendees and staff should have received the COVID-19 vaccination to attend the event. Attendance at wedding events at homes is capped at 30, with compliance to precautionary measures.

Sporting events, concerts and social institutional events like gala dinners and award ceremonies for a trial period of one month (extendable) have been permitted. Fans and spectators can attend sporting events, provided participants and staff have received the COVID-19 vaccine.

The supreme committee stressed that it is still mandatory for people attending events and activities to wear face masks and observe minimum physical distancing of two meters. With tourism back in the country, people in Dubai have been thus asked to follow all these COVID-19 norms.