Home > Media News > Facebook's Settings Page Has Been Reorganised To Make Tools Easier To Access

Facebook's Settings Page Has Been Reorganised To Make Tools Easier To Access
6 Aug, 2021 / 10:15 am / OMNES Media LLC

Source: https://me.mashable.com/


In a bid to improve how people access and use features and settings to their advantage on Facebook, the social media giant has redesigned the Facebook Settings page to tools easier to find.

"Whether it’s managing the ads people see, adjusting sharing settings, or curating an audience for posts, people shouldn’t have to think too hard about where to start. That’s why we’ve reduced the number of categories, and renamed them to more closely match people’s mental models," said Facebook in a blog post.

Settings within Facebook are now grouped into six broad categories, each allowing access to a related set of settings. These broad categories are — Account, Preferences, Audience and Visibility, Permissions, Your Information, and Community Standards and Legal Policies.

Facebook's also relocated several standalone settings so that they live alongside related settings. For example, the News Feed setting, which previously lived in a smaller category of its own, now finds itself under Preferences where it is grouped with similar settings.

The settings search function has also seen an improvement, making it easier to find the settings you need and the location under which it can be found.

That's not all. The Privacy Settings category has also been streamlined and categorised into one section instead of being scattered across categories. There's also a newly-added shortcut to Privacy Checkup, right at the top of the Settings landing page.

The Facebook Settings redesign has already begun rolling out for Android, iOS, mobile web, and FB Lite.