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Social Media Companies To Testify At U.S. Judiciary Committee  Hearing
14 Jul, 2018 / 12:56 pm / Reeny Joseph


Facebook, Twitter, and Alphabet will be testified by The U.S. Judiciary  Committee regarding these social media company’s filtering content for political reasons. Conservative Republicans in Congress have criticized social media companies for what they claim are politically motivated practices in removing some content, a charge the companies have rejected. House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte said in a statement that he was pleased by the companies’ gesture to send technical experts to answer questions on their content moderation practices.

The social media companies have already confirmed that they will be participating in the hearing and said that they are well set to clear the doubts of the committee. The committee also confirmed that Facebook’s head of global policy management Monika Bickert, Youtube global head of public policy and government relations Juniper Downs and Twitter’s senior strategist Nick Pickles will testify.

The companies rejected the charges of the Republicans that they are censoring or blocking content from conservatives. Lawmakers from both parties agreed tech companies must remove illegal content like fraud, piracy and sex trafficking but differed on whether they should remove objectionable content.

Goodlatte said that even though the social media companies have legal, economic, and ideological reasons to manage their content like any other traditional media we should find out whether their action will endanger our free and open society. Facebook Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg told that Facebook is a platform for all ideas and also stated that he is very committed towards that.