"Vito" is an electronic news portal, established in January 2013, issued by the Al-Ahrar Company for Press, Printing and Publishing, an Egyptian Joint Stock Company, with a license from the Supreme Press Council. In dealing with the news, the "Vito" operates according to professional and objective rules, with impartiality, and is committed to accuracy and speed. The portal monitors everything that is happening in the governorates of Egypt, politically, economically, sports and artistically, as well as news of the Middle East and the world. In the latest development of the Vito portal, which was launched on December 8, 2019, Vito created a wide space for service journalism according to the public's interests. The "Vito" portal provides high-quality and efficient service to its visitors, adhering to the code of journalistic honor that was approved by the Supreme Press Council in 1998.
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