Media Channel: Vsh TV

Vsh TV

Vsh TV

VSH NEWS Television Channel Broadcasts a wide range of programs that mainly focuses on news, views, information and current affair programs, with a commitment to be factual and unbiased. A group of talented and highly skilled people work 24 hours for this news channel to inform, entertain and educate the vast Baloch community with daily regional, national and international affairs along with various other family entertainment programs like health, education, religion, music, sports and infotainment, round the clock all seven days a week covering all segments of our society. 

An endeavor like VSH NEWS is a commendable effort in the direction of safe guarding the Balochi language, culture and heritage. There is an unmatched demand for Balochi content across the whole of Balochistan and Balochi speaking population in other parts of Pakistan.
The idea behind the introduction of this TV News channel is to cater the mass Baloch population. As the astonishing facts reveal that there are more than 50% of Vsh News Viewership in interior Sindh, 30% in Karachi and surprisingly about more than 35% in Punjab and 15% in Khyber Pakhtoon Khwa and not to mention Balochistan where almost 90% of Vsh News Viewership, who speak and understand the Balochi language.

Besides Pakistan, a huge VSH News viewers who are residing abroad, mainly in U.A.E, Bahrain, Iran, Afghanistan, Oman, Qatar, Kuwait, India and Saudi Arabia.

The Channel has gained popularity because of the quality News, Current affairs and entertainment program provided to its viewers in the Balochi language depicts the culture with which its viewers are able to connect. It is the spirit of empathy of Baloch individuals with their culture and language that has helped VSH NEWS TV to reach millions of its viewers in a very short time. 


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