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South Korea
Registraion Last Date: (not set)
Type: Exhibition
Starting Year: 2024
Edition: 1 / Annually
Last updated: (not set)
"Technology on the cutting edge"
Gathering of MIT Professors and other Technology Experts MIT Technology Review's signature event is coming to Seoul. EmTech Korea is a technology conference that brings together leaders and innovators in emerging new technologies to network and share ideas through presentations and discussions. The conference aims to explore emerging technology trends and opportunities for innovation and growth in Seoul, one of the fastest growing technology markets in the world.
Gathering of professors and other technology experts pushing technology forward.
Will cover the emerging technologies that are reshaping the future.
It will cover cutting-edge tech such as AI, robotics, climate change technology, bio & batteries
Popular among visitors for
Gathering of MIT Professors and other Technology Experts MIT Technology Review's signature event is coming to Seoul. EmTech Korea is a technology conference that brings together leaders and innovators in emerging new technologies to network and share ideas through presentations and discussions. The conference aims to explore emerging technology trends and opportunities for innovation and growth in Seoul, one of the fastest growing technology markets in the world.
Gathering of professors and other technology experts pushing technology forward.
Will cover the emerging technologies that are reshaping the future.
It will cover cutting-edge tech such as AI, robotics, climate change technology, bio & batteries
Popular among visitors for
Contact Us
South Korea
30 May 2024 to 30 May 2024
05:08 AM to 05:09 AM
Grand Ballroom, Seoul, South Korea
Seoul, South Korea