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CABSAT Announces New Dates And Additional Features For 2018 Edition
21 Aug, 2017 / 09:52 AM / OMNES News

Source: http://www.broadcastprome.com


The 24th edition of CABSAT will run from January 14 to January 16 at Dubai World Trade Centre.

CABSAT 2018 will feature three new sections in addition to the yearly exhibition and conferences. The newly introduced Airwaves Showcase will host the latest audio equipment, technology and services for broadcast, radio and live events. The Start Up and Tech Innovation Zone will bring emerging VR, AR, drone technology and media, film and satellite start-ups to center stage. The Content Marketplace will return with dedicated platforms for TV and film content creators, production houses and studios, content distributors, producers, editors and advertising houses to showcase Arabic and international content.

CABSAT 2018 has divided its conferences into three section – technical, strategic and creative – to deliver talks for decision makers, creative sessions for content creators and technical sessions for engineers.

The event will also host Script to Screen in 48, an interactive session to offer training for young professionals and students. This will also include UAE film location tours as well as filmmaker and investor networking meet-ups.

CABSAT Beats is being launched this time to bring together regional and international music artists.