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Ephemeral Content will keep Gaining Popularity in 2020
9 Aug, 2020 / 01:43 PM / omnes


It’s the booming time of contents in the social media platforms. For anything and everything the users depend on internet and social media for information and as a result misinformation is also flooding everywhere. But nowadays life is becoming faster and users tend to depend on ephemeral content as something that lasts for a very short time. Therefore, an ephemeral post is a social media post that disappears after a predefined period of time, giving audiences a small amount of time to look at and engage with the post.

The answer to why the ephemeral content is gaining popularity is a bit complicated. In fact, ephemeral content is a smart method to use if you are looking for your audience to take faster action on your content. It is also a highly diverse way to engage with your brand’s audience. It can actually help you connect with your target audience and define your brand.

Statistics reported in 2019 by Statista.com, show that Instagram story features have 500 million daily active users with WhatsApp coming a close second with 450 million daily active users. This statistic is clearly an indicator that short stories are gaining more popularity in social media platforms.

Ephemeral contents are popular for more reasons as user’s attention spans are short and the way they like to consume content has also changed. This is why content formats like stories have become popular. They are short, engaging, and addictive in a way that people can spend hours scrolling through one story after another.

As the number of social media users increase it has created a content overload on these social platforms, where every brand is doing almost the same thing and following the same trend to capture their target consumer’s attention. The consumer is quick to grasp in the trending days and would prefer crisp and brief reading instead of going in for a detailed reading. Brevity is the soul of reading nowadays as a matter of fact.

Marketers have taken notice of this trend and will continue to leverage it to their advantage. According to a recent report by Hoot suite, 64% of marketers either already have incorporated Instagram Stories into their strategies or plan to go ahead with that.

If you are keen on escalating your business growth with content marketing, then hold onto ephemeral content because it is going to grab lots of customers for you. Ephemeral Content Marketing is the way to keep up with the competitive environment. It automatically disappears whether it’s a photo or video but you can gain beneficial insights from it that will serve as a pathway to adopt next strategy keeping in view the pros and cons.

Almost all the social media networks are providing you with the opportunity to update your stories to target a specific segment in the audience. Social media apps like Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook and Whatsapp are using this feature of disappearing stories for the users to maximize their marketing features. Adapting to these new and upcoming trends is what helps businesses keep abreast of the fierce competition.

Source- Omnes Editor