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Google Makes Search Easier by Automatically Loading Newer Results
16 Oct, 2021 / 12:42 PM / Reeny Joseph


Google is making it easier to doom scroll through search results by automatically loading newer results as you get to the end of the page. Previously, when you got to the end of a page of Google search results, there was a big “See more” button at the bottom you could tap to, well, see more results. With continuously loaded results, you’ll be able to just keep on scrolling to see more.

Continuous scrolling does have some advantages; it’s a lot easier to see more results quickly if you don’t have to consciously make a choice to tap the “See more” button. I can’t say I’m looking forward to this change, though, since reaching the end of a Google search page was often a natural place for me to consider if I had learned enough or if I wanted to seek out more information. With continuous scrolling, it might be harder for me to pull myself away from the page, which is something I already struggle with while using social networks with endlessly loading feeds.

Continuous scrolling is starting to “gradually” roll out  for “most English searches on mobile in the US,” according to a Google blog post.

“At Google, we’re always exploring new ways to help people find what they’re looking for quickly and easily. Earlier this year, we launched a redesign of the Search results page on mobile for a more modern experience that’s easier to scan and navigate. Today, we’re making browsing search results more seamless and intuitive with the introduction of continuous scrolling on mobile devices. Now, when you reach the bottom of a search results page on your phone, the next set of results will automatically load with relevant information.”

While you can often find what you're looking for in the first few results, sometimes you want to keep looking. In fact, most people who want additional information tend to browse up to four pages of search results. With this update, people can now seamlessly do this, browsing through many different results, before needing to click the “See more” button.”