Home > Media News > Instagram’s New Ad Campaign “Stories Are Everywhere” Hits The Streets

Instagram’s New Ad Campaign “Stories Are Everywhere” Hits The Streets
10 Jul, 2017 / 04:14 pm / Reem Ibrahim

Source: http://wersm.com


With “Stories Are Everywhere,” Instagram takes to the streets to promote Stories, and snatch a few more users away from its rival, Snapchat.

The “war” between Instagram and Snapchat isn’t going to settle down anytime soon. And of course, Stories are at the heart of every battle. Keen to win over a few more users, and encourage people to share more Stories, Instagram is launching a new OOH campaign with Wieden + Kennedy.

“Stories Are Everywhere” is a series of clever OOH ads that have appeared in the streets of Germany, Italy and the U.S. The campaign aims to show how Stories can be created from almost any photo, any scene, and basically from anything that happens around you.

This is not the first time social platforms have created OOH campaigns. Facebook has done so before, as has Pinterest more recently, to draw users.