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IPG Agencies Excel in Ad Age A-List
26 Jan, 2017 / 10:16 AM / Reem Ibrahim

Source: http://www.itbusinessnet.com/


New York, NY - January 24, 2017 - Interpublic Group (NYSE: IPG) announced today that McCann and R/GA were named #2 and #3, respectively, on the Ad Age Agency A-List, the annual ranking of the industry's ten most innovative and creative agencies. This makes IPG the only holding company to have multiple agencies on the prestigious list. Additionally, MullenLowe Group, Momentum and Weber Shandwick were all named Agency A-List "Standouts" and The Martin Agency and McCann New York were named "Creativity Innovators." Additional IPG agencies recognized by Ad Age include Hill Holliday, named an "Agency to Watch," and Deutsch LA, honored as a "Creativity Innovator Standout."

"In today's communications environment, getting people to listen and engage is harder than ever before," commented Michael Roth, Chairman and CEO, Interpublic. "Whether you are a marketer or a provider of marketing services, compelling content is absolutely vital for success. The Ad Age A-List confirms just how well-positioned Interpublic agencies are in this regard," Roth continued.

The complete list of IPG agencies included in the Ad Age A-List includes:

McCann, A-List
R/GA, A-List
MullenLowe Group, Momentum and Weber Shandwick, A-List Standouts
The Martin Agency and McCann New York, Creativity Innovators
Hill Holliday, Agency to Watch
Deutsch LA, Creativity Innovator Standout
Looking at some of the specific accomplishments across these best-in-class agencies:

McCann and R/GA had stellar years, which led them to the #2 and #3 positions in the 2017 ranking. Ad Age noted that McCann produced top work for global clients including Lockheed Martin, Chevrolet and MasterCard. McCann is the only large global network among the Top 5. R/GA's breadth of talent, work for clients, and the successful launch of its consulting and ventures practices resulted in record growth for the agency year this year.

MullenLowe Group, Momentum and Weber Shandwick were all named Agency A-List Standouts. Ad Age highlighted MullenLowe's sixth consecutive year of double-digit growth and notable business wins, including Hyatt and Western Union. On the heels of one of its most successful years, Momentum is the first brand experience agency to be named to the list. Weber Shandwick, while known for its standout PR practice, has worked to develop other areas of expertise including digital, social and content marketing, which together helped lock its place on the list.


About InterpublicInterpublic is one of the world's leading organizations of advertising agencies and marketing services companies. Major global brands include BPN, CRAFT, FCB (Foote, Cone & Belding), FutureBrand, Golin, Huge, Initiative, Jack Morton Worldwide, MAGNA, McCann, Momentum, MRM//McCann, MullenLowe Group, Octagon, R/GA, UM and Weber Shandwick. Other leading brands include Avrett Free Ginsberg, Campbell Ewald, Carmichael Lynch, Deutsch, Hill Holliday, ID Media and The Martin Agency. For more information, please visit www.interpublic.com.