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Mawdoo3, Sabq, Hawaaworld…Most Viewed Sites In KSA
21 Aug, 2017 / 05:29 PM / OMNES News

Source: http://arabianmarketer.ae


More than 50 percent consumers access internet through mobile or smartphones in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The figure is 66 percent to be exact which was released last monthly by Effective Measure.

The audience measurement company took into account 91,400 individuals through a demographic survey, who were active online in the region in the month of July 2017.

The survey reveals the internet consumption in the Saudi Arabia last month – including what their audience looks like, how they live and where they spend their time online.

mawdoo3.com topped the list of websites most viewed by the Saudi Arabia audience. This is followed by sabq.org and hawaaworld.com.