Home > Media News > Netflix’s iOS App Tests TikTok-Style New Feed for Kids

Netflix’s iOS App Tests TikTok-Style New Feed for Kids
9 Nov, 2021 / 06:21 PM / Reeny Joseph


Netflix’s iOS app is starting a test of a new feed for kids that’s designed to show short clips taken from its library of children’s content, Bloomberg News reports. The “Kids Clips” feature uses a similar interface to TikTok or Instagram Reels in an attempt to surface child-friendly content. But while competing services are primarily formatted for viewing in portrait, Kids Clips’ videos are designed to be viewed in landscape.

Kids Clips joins a similar feature Netflix launched to promote its comedy content earlier this year called Fast Laughs. Both features have a similar aim: to promote Netflix’s content using short clips similar to what users are already watching on social media. A screenshot of the Kids Clips interface shared by Bloomberg shows a shortcut for adding a title to a watch later list.

Netflix has cited TikTok as a major competitor in past earnings reports, suggesting these features are aimed at stealing time away from the service by focusing on more short-form content.

Bloomberg News reports that Kids Clips limits the amount of clips users can watch in a single sitting to 10 to 20 clips. It sounds like a sensible limitation in light of the younger audience the feature is designed for. Kids Clips is launching this week in markets including the US, Canada, Australia, Ireland, and Spanish-speaking Latin America.

Netflix also has created rankings of its most popular titles, giving users another way to find shows they might like. The kids’ feed will resemble Fast Laughs, but the videos will be viewed horizontally—as opposed to vertically—and will take over the entire screen. Kids will only be able to watch 10 to 20 clips at a time. Netflix regularly tests upcoming features with some users and hasn’t revealed when they plan to launch the new feed in the android version.