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Source: https://me.mashable.com/
The game is meant to be a play-to-earn initiative, which will allow players to unlock characters that have NFT avatars.
For anyone with a good judgment of the markets and sound technical skills to navigate the digital realm, cryptocurrencies have become an online gold mine in the past few years, provided that they deploy the right moves while trading the digital assets, since rates of the virtual cash continue to fluctuate. Thanks to the blockchain boom, artists, designers as well as those selling antiques or collectibles are enjoying exposure to a global audience, since they can now market their work through the internet in the form of crypto tokens.
Everything from real estate to diamond collectibles and Islamic art is up for sale in the virtual realm, once it has been registered on a blockchain and converted into a non-fungible token, which can be sold to the highest bidder by transferring ownership through online certificates. Following the purchase of viral memes and videos by studios in the UAE for millions, a gaming firm has now created a digital showdown, which will also allow players to collect NFTs, that'll continue to generate daily rewards for anyone who holds on to the tokens, for life.
Developers have turned iconic non-playable characters into crypto tokens, laced with rewards that'll be sent out as royalties by minters on a daily basis, for transactions conducted over decentralised exchanges. The idea is to generate loyalty among the gaming community, by providing rewards for those who came on board early and collected NFTs associated with the game.
These tokens will act as a primary mode of transaction for the game's ecosystem, but the users will lose access to daily rewards once they sell their NFT, which can also be done on secondary marketplaces like Binance.
Following the surge in value for cryptocurrencies, digital assets have generated curiosity in the Middle East, and fan tokens for football teams have also become a major trading opportunity for sports enthusiasts. On the other hand, hashtags registered with blockchains can also be monetised once they go viral, bringing in regular returns for the creator.
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