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Study Confirms Public Prefer Digital Over Print For News And Views
13 Feb, 2018 / 12:23 pm / OMNES News

Source: http://www.omnesmedia.com


Recent survey highlights role of e-content, smartphone apps in shaping the media industry

88% do not follow print media on a daily basis

42% prefer to get news from social networks


A study published by the specialised media platform OMNESMEDIA.com has pointed out an apparent decline in the traditional media compared to their electronic counterparts. The study, which was based on a questionnaire of 10,000 participants from different segments of society in more than 14 countries around the world, showed that 36% of the participants read traditional media, especially print media, 46% follow it occasionally, 6% follow press once a week, while the daily print readership accounts for 12%.

The results of the survey reflect the reality of print media at present in light of the electronic content revolution witnessed by the world, which prompted the majority of traditional media organs to adopt digitalisation and invest in this growing sector -- a trend which strengthens the theory of the disappearance of print newspapers over the next decade.

The study showed that 42% of the respondents prefer to receive international news through social media, while 24% thereof follow e-news sites, 20% go for television stations, 8% for mobile applications, 4% for newspapers and 2% opt for radio stations.

More than 54% of the people surveyed in the OMNESMEDIA.com opinion poll prefer to follow articles via social media, while 34% of them are still online, and only 12% prefer to follow them through printed newspapers.

These results reinforce the global trend towards social networking and its widespread use among different segments of society, a fact which enhances the position of social networks on the global advertising map as one of the most important promotional and marketing tools for products and services that generates real investment opportunities in light of the shift in spending trends from the traditional to the new media. The results of the survey also boost the future of smartphone Apps, which have posted significant growth globally, emerging as a significant contender in the management and delivery of multiple types of content.

Nasser Al Sarami, CEO of Basma Media, the developer and operator of OMNESMEDIA.com, points to the extent of the evolution and diversity of mass media over the recent years, during which social media platforms have ensured a wide reach for news media via innumerable sources. He noted that the new media is characterised by sheer freedom.

"It is totally free of any restrictions and censorship, which gives it the power and rapid reach in contrast to traditional media,” he said.

“The new media is consistently gaining ground in light of the increased demand for an expedited coverage of news, a trend which indicates a decline in traditional media versus social media sites and e-news.”

Al Sarami added, "There is no doubt that today's media market is witnessing an unprecedented competition between traditional media and new media, including social networks, websites and other e-news Apps. The results of this study clearly indicate the competitive edge unconventional media boasts over traditional sources of media. A large number of Internet users provide the necessary ground for new media to secure this superiority over traditional media organs. However, this type of media needs to be developed and updated in terms of content, marketing and integrity, which are all requirements that are needed to earn non-traditional media credibility and accuracy, especially in the Middle East and North Africa region, which is undergoing rapid developments in line with the fast pace of the industry in the rest of the countries."

OMNESMEDIA.com has recently launched a series of specialised electronic questionnaire services through its digital platform, addressing issues related to mass media, marketing and digital content sectors, taking advantage of the platform's database and its followers on various social networks.  OMNESMEDIA.com publishes the results of these questionnaires successively, believing in the importance of sharing information with the public and specialists alike.

OMNESMEDIA.com is a media platform, launched by Basma Media in January 2017, providing valuable insights for users working in the media, advertising, public relations and digital services industry and connecting users to a global network of media professionals, experts and service providers.