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Source: http://www.pressgazette.co.uk/t
Telegraph Media Group has revealed a mean gender pay gap of 35 per cent, which has been deemed “unacceptable” by chief executive Nick Hugh.
The figures, released today, show the highest gender pay gap favouring men of any news publisher or broadcaster so far.
The publisher has said it also aims to reduce the pay disparity between men and women to “zero” by 2025 and has already introduced 50 per cent female shortlists for all vacancies.
Some 73 per cent of The Telegraph’s top earners are male, while women account for 62 per cent of lowest earners at the company.
Hugh (pictured) said: “While we are moving in the right direction, we have much to do. As of April 2017, our gender pay report shows an unacceptable gap between the average pay for men compared with women.
“Women should have the same opportunities to advance their career as men. It is not only right for society but for the success of our business.
“It is this belief that lives at the heart of our commitment to a zero gender pay gap by 2025.”
The Telegraph said that following Hugh’s appointment as chief executive of in June last year the mean gender pay gap has fallen by a fifth, due to a number of women being appointed in senior editorial and commercial roles.
The gender pay gap figures released today were taken from a snapshot of the company on 5 April last year.
The Telegraph pledged to monitor bonuses “to ensure fair and equal pay progression”. It revealed a 46.19 mean bonus pay gap, favouring men. But, slightly more women (2 per cent) than men received bonuses.
The company also said it had introduced flexible working to increase the proportion of women who are able to return to work after maternity leave.
In response to the numbers, Daily Telegraph science editor Sarah Knapton tweeted: “Hugely dispiriting to find women at The Telegraph are being paid 35 per cent less than men. And astonishing to hear it will take seven years to put right.”
The Telegraph’s median pay gap is 23.36 per cent.
The mean gender pay gap breakdown among news publishers and broadcasters so far is as follows:
Economist Group – 32.5 per cent
Channel 4 – 28.6 per cent
The Financial Times – 24.4 per cent
ITN – 19.6 per cent (encompassing Channel 4 News, ITV News and Channel 5 News)
Trinity Mirror – 18 per cent (5.8 per cent at Local World, 17.8 per cent at Mirror Group Newspapers and 19.4 per cent at Media Scotland)
Sky – 11.5 per cent (5.2 per cent within broadcasting division)
Guardian News and Media – 11.3 per cent
BBC – 10.7 per cent
Companies with more than 250 employees have until 4 April to publish their gender pay gap data by law.
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