Home > Media News > The UAE’s famous Camel Trek to conclude at the Expo 2020 Dubai site this year

The UAE’s famous Camel Trek to conclude at the Expo 2020 Dubai site this year
8 Nov, 2021 / 09:31 AM / OMNES Media LLC

Source: https://me.mashable.com/


The UAE’s famous Camel Trek is back for its 8th edition, wherein 30 camel trekkers will cross more than 500km in UAE’s desert.

The UAE’s famous Camel Trek is back for its 8th edition, wherein 30 camel trekkers will cross more than 500km in UAE’s desert to enjoy a unique experience on how to live the old ways of the Bedouins.

The unique desert will see a total of camel riders – men and women, of various ages and capabilities coming from 17 countries (including four Emirati camel trekkers) who will take part in the Camel Trek.

Organised by the Hamdan Bin Mohammed Heritage Center (HHC), the participants this year will finish the race at Expo 2020 Dubai site.

Out of 298 people who registered for the intensive camel riding training programme organised by HHC’s Events Department, a total of 30 were shortlisted for the final gig.

It requires a high level of fitness and training to join the desert voyage. The participants were taught how to travel in a caravan and were familiarised with life in the desert. They will have a unique desert experience how to live the old ways of the Bedouins while forging a deep bond with each other,” noted Hind bin Demaithan Al Qemzi, Director of Events at the HHC, adding, “Hosting the annual Camel Trek is a way of promoting the rich Emirati tradition among various nationalities residing in the UAE.”

Bringing people from various cultural backgrounds together, the annual Camel Trek will set off from the Liwa desert area, navigating the wide expanse of UAE’s desert before reaching the World Expo site.

Commencing from December 9, the 8th Camel Trek will run for 13 days begging from Liwa Empty Quarter in Abu Dhabi’s Western Region and will follow a prepared route and the camel trekkers will rest at camping stations in the middle of the desert. Participants are provided with all necessary requirements for the journey like food, drink, individual tents, and the camels that they use for the journey.