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Tourism Australia Campaign to Woo British Travelers
26 Dec, 2019 / 01:01 pm / Anas


Tourism Australia musical campaign with a three minute plus song by Pop star Kylie Minogue aims to woo the British Travelers to visit the country. The ad is created by M&C Saatchi with a never before punch to Tourism Australia.

A new $15m tourism campaign featuring Kylie Minogue is aiming to lure Brexit-weary Britons to Australia with the perennial promise of cute marsupials, white-sand beaches and locals who speak your language.

Along with comedian Adam Hills and cricketer Shane Warne as well as some other local stars, Kyle’s musical performance takes a cheeky swipe at the Brits during the nation’s current period of Brexit uncertainty. As part of the organization’s ‘Philausophy’ campaign, the ad has been planned to run from Christmas Day, the ad features a number of gorgeous backdrops while playing on Australian tropes, including seeing Kylie don her mechanics outfit to return to her first acting role from Neighbours as Charlene Ramsey.

The song, called 'Matesong' entices Brits to spend time with their friends down under; with the film running on TV and cinema screens as well as out of home and digital media channels.

Tourism Australia managing director Phillipa Harrison commented: "The Queen's annual Christmas speech is a key cultural moment in the UK, with millions tuning in to watch on television and many more online. We also know that January in the northern hemisphere winter is a time when many Brits are thinking about an overseas holiday, providing the perfect opportunity to engage with a captive audience and remind them why they should make that next trip to Australia.”

The lyrics, written by Australian comedian and singer-songwriter Eddie Perfect, are explicitly aimed at the Brexit-and-Boris malaise.