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Twitter introduces a new crisis response policy to tackle misleading tweets and misinformation
23 May, 2022 / 11:32 AM / Twitter

Source: http://www.mashable.com


Adding warning notices to prominent tweets and those from high-profile accounts, such as verified or official government accounts or media outlets linked with the government, is also a priority for Twitter.

Twitter has a new crisis information policy that makes sure tweets are not retweeted or promoted during times of crisis. This is to stop false information from spreading.

A warning message will appear on a tweet with the link "Crisis Misinformation Policy." The tweet will no longer be retweeted, liked, or shared; the content will no longer appear on the home page, search, or explore page; and the content will not be promoted across the platform.

Twitter also wants to add warnings to important tweets and tweets from high-profile accounts, like verified or official government accounts or media outlets with ties to the government.

According to Twitter, tweets that give false or misleading information about war crimes, mass atrocities, or the use of weapons, as well as tweets that give false or misleading information about international sanctions, community response, or humanitarian efforts, maybe flagged under the new policy.

Multiple trustworthy, publicly available sources, including information from conflict monitoring organizations, humanitarian groups, open-source investigators, and journalists, will be required to decide if a tweet is inaccurate.

Those who wish to continue reading tweets despite the disinformation warning must do so by clicking on it. In the past, tweets with disinformation warnings were not hidden; they were simply labeled as such.

Twitter says that the first version of the policy will focus on false information about the conflict in Ukraine. Future changes are expected to make the policy more general and cover other situations.

In a blog post, it was said that as the company exoanded this approach, it would start to follow the emergency response framework created by the United Nations Inter-Agency Standing Committee and other global humanitarian frameworks.