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UAE bans beIN Sports Subscription Sales and Renewals
15 Jun, 2017 / 11:07 AM / Reem Ibrahim

Source: http://www.digitalstudiome.com


The UAE on Wednesday banned the sale of receivers and cards relating to Qatar-based broadcaster bein Sports.

According to state news agency WAM, UAE authorities have warned that any shop found selling or renewing subscriptions for the sports network will be fined.

It did not say whether existing subscriptions would be affected in any way.

The move comes a day after Saudi Arabia called time out on new subscriptions to the satellite television network, a major broadcaster of international football across the region.

The measure is the latest move against Qatar, after the Gulf kingdom and its allies last week cut diplomatic ties with Doha.

Saudi Arabia said it took action because beIn Sports lacked "prior authorisations", but added existing subscribers would be unaffected.

Bahrain, which has also severed diplomatic ties with Qatar, has taken similar measures against the broadcaster, the official BNA news agency said on Tuesday.

beIn Sports is a subsidiary of the Al-Jazeera global news network.

The UAE and Saudi Arabia are leading the diplomatic and economic isolation of gas-rich Qatar, which they accuse of supporting extremist groups.

Qatar rejects the allegations.