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Virtual 3D replica of Dubai will classify and map out assets in the city
21 Jun, 2021 / 09:34 AM / OMNES Media LLC

Source: https://me.mashable.com/


Online apps for navigation and spotting important landmarks have become a crucial part of life in the Emirates, since they enable residents to find their way, and help tourists explore the country. Even more platforms have also been developed in the past year or so to help visitors find out more about the regional tech hub Dubai via games, and to point out areas with high rates of infection during the pandemic.

The city has been an attractive location for expats and travelers since decades, largely owing to its state-of-the-art infrastructure, and the local administration leaves no stone unturned to maintain it. In line with the policy to use tech for monitoring and preserving assets in the city, Dubai's municipality has tied up with global information systems, to create a digital dictionary that provides geographical data of properties in the city.

The online collection of details on assets across Dubai will be created through a five step process that involves setting up a database, classifying properties and developing a browser to access the dictionary. For further precision, assets will be pop up on a 3D replica of the city available in virtual form, so that users can point out the exact location of a property.

With assistance from info updated regularly on the geospatial dictionary, condition of assets can be gauged in case maintenance or modification needs to be carried out. Geographical data will also lead to informed decision making, when new projects in the city are being planned.

This collaboration is among a slew of tech-savvy initiatives launched by Dubai Municipality, which has recently been lauded for using AI to monitor and maintain infrastructure in the city.

As for properties in the city, the local real estate department has introduced an app to calculate the correct value of villas and buildings in Dubai. Similarly, a developer in the smart oasis has built a platform that helps sellers get the best prices for their properties, with inputs from agents across the city.