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Source: http://www.mashable.com
Mashable: You can now create MENA cuisines AND help the creators while doing so!
For Middle Eastern and South Asian women, the kitchen is a sacred space as it holds the heart of the household. In both cultures, women are tutored to focus on food to ‘win’ the affection of their in-laws. Since they are tethered to the role of caretakers, many have to forgo their aspirations. It wasn’t until the introduction of YouTube and social media that these women found their callings as chefs or home cooks, earning revenue for their appetizing recipes.
Most of them began their journey from 2012, and today, they have amassed over a million followers from across the globe. It's not just their creativity that people appreciate, but their dedication towards its execution too. What one can't miss is how their homes resemble a set right out of a cooking show. This perfection and the techniques such as panning, tilting, fade-in or out elevate the quality of the videos.
Although the internet has dissolved the physical limitations, it's also their faithful followers—60% of which comprise millennials, according to a Google survey—aided them be where they are. “It took me about a year to start earning a good income, but, eventually, I was making several hundred dollars a month,” Muna Al-Amsha, Founder of the YouTube channel Syrian Kitchen told The New York Times. Today, they manage to make thousands of U.S. dollars. While the pandemic and algorithm have affected their reach, it has, however, not led to a decline in their income—a result of collaborations and partnerships.
Here is a list of women chefs to follow:
1. Halawiyat Karamilla: 4.31M
2. Heba Abo Elkheir: 3.53M
3. Fatma Abu Haty: 3.01M
4. Chef Ola Tashman: 2.61M
5. Nadia Elsayed: 1.63M
6. Sodfa Kitchen: 1.45M
7. Cook & Eat Fel Baet with Mawa El Shafae: 1.05M
8. Muna Al-Amsha: 974K
On a personal level, financial stability offers these women equal household responsibilities. As a result, they are no longer obligated to adhere to their husband’s decisions on how the family should function, which uplifts their self-worth and confidence. Additionally, they can have a better say in raising the children, a crucial decision that is controlled by the men. There will be a positive impact on the dynamics between themselves and their children, especially their daughters, who will have the liberty to choose a career of their liking. It would also reduce the stigma that a woman with a job poorly manages her household—a notion that has plagued many families in developing nations. In fact, two sources of income can only flourish the house as it leads to financial stability.
Additionally, the blurring of boundaries aids them to connect with the world at large and have a free flowing dissemination of knowledge with like-minded people. The appreciation their work garners from a global audience can build a sense of purpose, along with the ability to contribute to society. Women from other parts of the region will take a leaf out of these home cooks’ books and perhaps follow in their footsteps. Moreover, such work, that is unfortunately tied with gender, can destigmatize house cooks as free labor.
Having said this, one cannot, or should not, overlook that this may push women to only take on careers considered ‘appropriate’, where they can work from within the four walls instead of participating in a workforce dominated by men. But as it’s said, “Rome wasn't built in a day”, these social and cultural battles, too, cannot be won overnight. One hopes to see many more such women and marginalized sections to be able to pursue what they believe in.
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