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13 May, 2018 / 11:13 am / Media & Technology

Spanish Journalists Wear Black To Protest Against The Government

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12 May, 2018 / 11:46 am / Media & Technology

This Is How IBM Is Solving Its Lost Data Problem... No More USB!

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10 May, 2018 / 05:22 pm / Media & Technology

UK Government Rejects A New Leveson Inquiry Into Press Standards

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10 May, 2018 / 03:54 pm / Media & Technology

ALISA PR Wins Burjeel Hospital For Advanced Surgery PR Activities

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9 May, 2018 / 11:28 am / Media & Technology

UK Discusses Press Regulation Amendments

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8 May, 2018 / 05:00 pm / Media & Technology

CNN Goes Soft On Trump And Practices Real Journalism!

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5 May, 2018 / 12:47 pm / Media & Technology

Facebook Improves Video Retention Graph in Video Insights

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4 May, 2018 / 11:02 am / Media & Technology

Facebook Stories Are Used By GoPro and Spotify, This Is How ...

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3 May, 2018 / 01:40 pm / Media & Technology

Advertising Value Equivalents Has Fallen Among PRs

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1 May, 2018 / 04:35 pm / Media & Technology

Johnston Press's CEO Ashley Highfield Resigns after Seven Years

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30 Apr, 2018 / 11:27 am / Media & Technology

GDPR Will Surprise Web Surfers!

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29 Apr, 2018 / 04:28 pm / Media & Technology

Cambridge Analytica and GDPR's Impact On The Middle East