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AI to resolve consumer queries in the UAE by analysing past interaction
10 Nov, 2021 / 09:13 am / OMNES Media LLC

Source: https://me.mashable.com/


The system will scan communication from various channels including email and social media to empower conversations.

With fast-paced migration towards the online space, businesses across the Middle East are embracing AI and cloud services on their path towards digitisation, to cater to rising expectations of consumers across highly connected cities. Algorithms which have enabled major e-commerce platforms as well as new online ventures to thrive, have also been offered to brick and mortar stores by mall operators, to help them stay up to speed with consumer preferences.

Machine learning and computer vision have been enhancing operations across diverse industries, from managing stocks to monitoring consumer traffic for retail, where robots have stepped in to assist as well. In this evolving smart landscape, a global customer support firm, has launched intelligent solutions which facilitate management of queries on more than 35 communication channels, through a unified platform, to save time and deliver client satisfaction.

Leading firm Yellow.ai has introduced Dubai to INBOX, which offers a complete analysis of consumer history and enables agents to resolve questions in any language, thanks to automated translation. The smart mechanism can prioritise issues raised by consumers and address concerns of every user at the right time, when the required information is.available.

To increase convenience for agents and to cut down resolution time, INBOX consolidates all communication from customers through different channels including voice, email, social media and smartphone apps, into a single conversation. Machine learning also scans contacts to go through a history of consumer interaction, for empowering swift resolution.

Equipped with a intuitive user interface that allows agents to address concerns quickly, INBOX also follows up on requests by sending updates to customers via WhatsApp and similar channels. To take a more personalised approach, the solution can also initiate voice or video calls for tackling specific issues.

Over past several months, AI has become an effective tool for verifying IDs for banking via smartphones, and is also able to adapt according to a customer's requirement after effectively reading the situation.