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Alex Jones and Infowars Permanently Suspended From Twitter
7 Sep, 2018 / 12:36 PM / Reeny Joseph

Source: http://www.omnesmedia.com


Alex Jones and his Infowars are finally out of twitter after so much of hue and cry from the critics . Many were complaining that Alex Jones was being protected by Twitter even after he was removed from other social media sites including Facebook.

The First Amendment's free speech protections apply to all citizens, including the people behind the social media companies that gave him the boot Jones is free to say whatever he wants, but there are no guarantees on where he can say it. Facebook decided, after lots of pressure, that Jones maintaining a presence on the platform was worse for business than his forced removal. So he was removed from the platform.

Twitter made the opposite determination. Jones broke the platform's rules. CNN even proved it. But the company has made its stance clear: Evidence or not, Jones won't be punished for his past behavior. Now due to mounting pressure Twitter also decided to suspend his accounts permanently. This decision comes due to "new reports of Tweets and videos posted yesterday that violate our abusive behavior policy." In the few weeks Jones have been shown the door by Facebook, YouTube, Stitcher, LinkedIn and Pinterest. In addition to Twitter itself, Jones and his company have been banned from Periscope as well.

This move comes after a contentious month of debate within Twitter, which first argued that Jone's behavior didn't actually violate its community rules. However after a Wall Street Journal article earlier this week suggested that Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey personally intervened in protecting both InfoWars and white supremacist/human punching bag Richard Spencer, Twitter quickly reversed its stance. Fans of Jones and his diatribes against the Lizard People and George Soros can still find his content (for the moment, at least) on the InfoWars website