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Amazon India Has Signed A Partnership What Will Put Tribal Artisans Online
26 Sep, 2017 / 10:07 am / OMNES News

Source: http://www.thedrum.com


Amazon India has joined forces with Tribal Cooperative Marketing Development Federation of India Limited (TRIFED) to let tribal sellers showcase and sell their products on its platform.

The partnership aims to empower the tribal economy so that it can keep pace with India's digital economy. Amazon India will further help TRIFED with all their promotional activities. TRIFED will sell under the 'Tribes India' brand name, much like the offline stores.

Jual Oram, Indian minister of Tribal Affairs, said: “We are happy to collaborate with Amazon India for helping us explore the arena of e-commerce. Amazon is known worldwide for their rich experience and deep understanding of consumers, and we are confident that through this partnership, together we will be able to make a difference in the lives of the tribal community across the country.”

Gopal Pillai, director and general manager, seller services, Amazon India said: “Our continuous effort is to drive disruptive change and transform the lives of sellers including tribal sellers across the country. This association is a huge step for us in our transformation journey and will provide a massive boost to the entire local ecosystem.”

Earlier, Amazon India partnered with DC Handloom, Ministry of Textiles to supplement the efforts of the government to uplift artisans across the country. It also partnered with Gujarat Tribal Development Department and Government of Telangana to support regional weavers and artisans.